Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Social Networking - The Solution

Something I would like to have everyone to think about is how secure out government is. I know this is quite random but trust me it has some relevance to my topic. When we talk over the phone or even text someone through some sort of email, instant message, etc., the government will actually match up certain words to protect the country from any threats. For example, when you text or instant message a certain set of words all in one message, analyst in the government servers will actually track and sort out certain messages that could seem extremely dangerous to our country. Words such as Kill, President, Bomb, Gas, Leak, Explosion, Weapons, etc., the servers pull that information out of the message and do multiple things. First, they would probably check out recent history under your name such as addresses, checking accounts, passwords/emails, and past messages. Then they would put together what they would know and determine if you were a real threat or not. This is very true in our nation; the reason for doing so is to find terrorism with our best possible chance.

Now to make this connection, I would like you to think about words or phrases such as ‘I have no friends’, ‘no one likes me’, ‘this is depressing’, etc. These are possible candidates for thoughts in suicide, suffering from anxiety or depression, or even cyber bullying. But how exactly would we know? I mean, as a friend or acquaintance of a person with such problems, I would try to make some arrangement to talk to them about stuff like that. But for people without friends of this nature, for those who have people that do not quite notice the severity of this kind of problem, I would suggest the main point of my solution, analyzing messages and government tracking of some sort. This would help in so many instances that could help others around the world understand how serious a topic of some sort is. Now I understand there are people who come to schools to talk to people about cyber bullying and the affects it has. But it also comes down to parents keeping an eye on their children and if the parents themselves are being bullied, they need to seek help immediately; these practices such as therapy, venting, or seeking help should not be recognized as showing our weak side, if we teach people to only be strong, that is great but at the same time we need to explain to people that being strong is also about finding our weaknesses and working with them to make them stronger. This is where I will come in and mention the other part of my solution. But for now the main solution I would like you to take from this is that we need to recognize and identify signs of depression and anxiety sooner.

My source for the government tracking system is as follows:

1 comment:

  1. I found your article to be intriguing David. When you mentioned the government monitoring our phone calls and such you did not specify your personal opinion on the matter. In your opinion does the government have the right to monitor the American peoples' phone conversations, text messages, emails, etc. to insure our national security, or is it an invasion of privacy?
